Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Any Financial Company have CPM solution (consolidation, budgeting/planning, reporting) SAP BPC Excel will provide more integrate and easily evaluate business scenarios which gives Scalability. SAP BPC Excel does have by mean the SQL platform is very alluring to Product. Microsoft SQL Business Intelligence (BI) Development Studio or the Data Manager User interface to manage your packages.

BPC excel is a front ends application. As the BPC Excel engine is so inherently flexible it can be applied enterprise wide to any relational database set or reporting/business modeling need far beyond the initial /future point solution. Display accurate, live data from the database within Microsoft Excel worksheets. Analyze data in reports, perform data entry in input schedules, and distribute information Submit budgets with a wide range of supporting attachments in the form of spreadsheets, documents, and presentations.

The Microsoft Office applications of Excel, Word, and PowerPoint, enabling you to collect, analyze, and store financial data and efficiently distribute enterprise performance management reports.


With Interface for Office, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Utilize the powerful and flexible formulas and functions within reports and input schedules to retrieve, display, and submit data for a real-time view of the financial position of your organization.
  • Use predefined report and input schedule templates that you can customize to meet your specific business requirements.
  • Instantly change the information you see in a report or the entities, accounts, time period, and so on, of input data simply by changing your current view.
  • Display accurate, live data from the database within Microsoft Excel worksheets, Microsoft Word documents, and Microsoft PowerPoint slides.
  • Analyze data in reports, perform data entry in input schedules, and distribute information based on user access rights when you are completely offline from the system.
  • Submit budgets with a wide range of supporting attachments in the form of spreadsheets, documents, and presentations.
  • Create hypothetical scenarios of future outcomes using powerful modeling functions.
  • Post journal entries to carefully track changes to your data.
  • Schedule and run Data Manager packages for loading, transforming, and manipulating financial data.

SAP BPC Member Lookup& Current View

Member Lookup specific members to use in reports, input schedules, journals, member security definitions, and data management packages.

1) Select members: At any time to display in your report or input schedule. You can select only the dimensions and members to which you have access.

2) Filter members: the member list based on member properties.

3) View member properties: Members those are available for use when creating and modifying reports or input schedules are enabled. Properties that are for information purposes only are disabled.

4) Set Member Lookup options: set options that control behavior on the Member Lookup dialog box. The Select All Children Behavior section determines how members are selected when you use the Copy option to copy one or more members and paste them into your spreadsheet.

5) Copy and Paste Member Lists: You can copy members from Member Lookup and paste them into a spreadsheet. You can use this feature to create journal entries, reports, or input schedules.

Current View

The Planning and Consolidation current view feature transforms static spreadsheets into dynamic, reusable reports and input schedules.

The current view represents the following:

· The dimensions those are included in the current application.

· The members that are used in the current display of a live report (or the saved members in an offline report).

Dynamically select members to change the current view in a live report by selecting new members from the current view.

To change the current view->make sure the action pane is maximized->maximize the current view list in the Session Information section->Select the Member->to refresh the report or input schedule->click on yes.

Use the current view you we can drill down and drill up options,by mean expanding the rows,columns to the dimensions properties.

There are two types of drill through functionality in the SAP BPC Microsoft version of Planning and Consolidation. One type allows you to view data that is linked from a database table (including external databases and the Journal database). The second type of drill through allows you to view data linked from a URL.

Database-based drill through

The ability to drill through to a database table is available on any EvGTS, EvGET, EvDRE, or EvINP cell that references a dimension for which a drill-through definition has been defined.

URL-based drill through

The ability to drill through to an external URL allows you to drill through to a target with the mapping of an EvDRE page key or a specific current view.


SQL is both an easy-to-understand language and a comprehensive tool for managing data. SQL is offered by all of the leading DBMS vendors, and no new database product over the last decade has been highly successful without SQL support.

SQL is a language for relational databases, and it has become popular along with the relational database model. The tabular, row/column structure of a relational database is intuitive to users, keeping the SQL language simple and easy to understand. SQL has capabilities Programmatic Database Access, Multiple Views of Data, ad hoc query language, database can be changed and expanded dynamically, implementing applications using a distributed, client/ server architecture provide support Enterprise Application Support, has been the integration with Java.


The administration console in SAP BPC Microsoft SQL unifies all administration tasks in one place and replaces the Excel administration client .It provides a highly available, scalable, multi-tenant database service hosted in the cloud. Microsoft SQL helps to easy provisioning and deployment of multiple databases. Users do not have to install setup and patch or manage any software. High availability and fault tolerance is built-in and no physical administration is required. But users can use the existing management tools and knowledge in T-SQL of their existing on-premises SQL Server databases.

SAP BPC Microsoft SQL continues the tradition of providing the best user experience. Intelligent action panes now guide users through the application (drill down/up). Business process flows guide users through standard business processes, ensuring compliance with corporate standards. SAP BPC delivers state-of-the-art architecture, including service-oriented architecture (SOA). Support for SQL Server 2005 is available with SAP BPC which introduces 64-bit support, delivers an application tier, provides support for active directory, and eliminates the need for pivot table services on the client. While maintaining support for the existing Microsoft Excel functionality, several enhancements, such as a drag-and-drop report builder, are introduced. The intelligent action pane lets users navigate with less trouble to common tasks, such as report building and schedule submission. SAP BPC provides a data manager interface to assist in data management tasks, such as importing, copying, and clearing data.

· Patented Microsoft Excel report writer with real-time, integrated multidimensional analysis

· Leverages Microsoft Analysis Services for real-time OLAP, "slice-and-dice" and ad-hoc analysis

· Microsoft Reporting Services for relational query and reporting, with built-in templates supporting financial close

· Rich analytic functionality including ranking, sorting, drill-down, and transactional drill-through

· Predictive analytics for automated root-cause analysis, prediction, and decision-making recommendations - More...

· Easy report wizards that dramatically enables any business user to quickly build, publish and share boardroom quality reports

· Score carding and dashboards that provide summarized, highly visual performance reports with the ability to drill-down to any level of detail - More...

· Web-based report distribution providing anywhere, anytime access and reach.

SAP BPC Data manager:

Data manager:

Data Manager is a Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) module that helps you move data in to BPC, as well as copy or move data within and across applications. To allowing you to move and copy data, Data Manager supports mapping and complex transformations of data.

Use the packages provided in the Data Management folder to perform general data management tasks, such as importing data.

Few of Package Names are Copy, Clear, Import Master Data, Import Transaction Data, and Move.

Syntax Copy Example


The target cube contains the Account, Category, Entity, and Time dimensions.

The target data is aggregated prior to the copy process.

Source Data

ACTUAL, CASH, 2006.MAY, 200


Pre-Copy Target Data

ACTUAL, CASH1, 2006.MAY, 100



Post-Copy Target Data




Standard financial processes packages that have been have been added to the Data Manager, by default. financial processes packages, see **Example Packages**.

FXtrans is used for currency translation.

System Administration Packages are designed to perform operational tasks on the database. The majority of these tasks can be executed either through Data Manager or via the administrative console.

Few of sys admin packages are Append, Archive, and Archive Audit Activity.

About Packages

Packages allow you to move data among your BPC databases and to effect business processes (such as legal consolidation and inter-company booking). By default, there are three types of packages that have been added to Data Manager:

· Data Management

· Financial Processes

· System Administration

Data Manager Packages are standard and shared among all applications within all application sets.

SAP BPC Data manager have different types of Packages exists,

Data manger can do Organize Packages, Modify Packages, Transform Data, Data Assign Packages to Teams, Monitor Package Status, Clear Saved Prompt Values; Use the Member Lookup, Data Transfer and Preview.

Package organization in Data Manager involves adding, editing, moving, copying, and removing packages.

During the copy or move process, you will be given the choice to Merge data values (move the specified records, and leaves all remaining records in the destination intact) or Replace & clear data values (move the specified records, and clears the data values for any records that mirror each entity, category, or time combination defined in the sources).


Full Optimize: (Schedule a full optimization.)

This package clears both real-time and short-term data storage and processes the dimensions. This option takes the system offline. It is best run during non–business hours.

IC_Elimination: This process chain is used to perform inter-company eliminations.

ICBooking (Intercompany Balance Booking)

Intercompany balances are tracked in order to perform intercompany eliminations. This process chain prompts you for entities, categories, currencies, and time dimensions for the user, application set, application, selection, and processes intercompany booking according to the logic defined in icbooking.lgf.

ICData (Intercompany Reconciliation)

This process chain prompts you for entities, categories, currencies, and time dimensions and processes intercompany booking for the user, application set, application, and selection according to the logic defined in icdata.lgf.

Validations This process chain prompts you for dimensions and categories on which you can run validation logic (as defined in validation.lgf, by default)

Data Transformations

Define data transformations so that you can map external data to internal BPC data structures.

Data Transformations will control an administrator, must set up at least two BPC for Excel workbook files.

1. Transformation file: administrators to set up the rules for reading data from an external source and putting it in the proper form for your BPC database. Transformation files are Microsoft Excel files that contain one worksheet, named Instructions. The Instructions worksheet has three sections:

· *Options

· *Mapping

· *Conversion

2. Conversion file — Allows administrators to map member names from external to internal dimension structures. Set up multiple sheets in a conversion file so that many transformations can access the same conversion workbook.

· All dimensions of an application must be mapped in the transformation.

· If the import file does not have a dimension (such as DATASRC), then use *NEWCOL.

The *Options section of the Transformation file contains definitions for various options that you can set for your transformation.

Allows you to specify a non-period decimal point for countries that use a different character, such as a comma. The character specified in this option must differ from the character specified for the DELIMITER.

Ex: AMOUNTDECIMALPOINT=text character.

Ø DELIMITER text character| SPACE | TAB

Default: (comma)

If the FORMAT option is set to DELIMITED, this option defines the single character that is the delimiter between columns. Use the keywords SPACE or TAB if the columns are delimited by spaces or tabs.


Default: YES

If YES, then your input file contains one header row that defines the fields. If you do have a header row, you can refer to a field by name in the MAPPING section.

Ø MAXREJECTCOUNT=empty_string | -1 | positive number

Default: empty_string

If validating records, specifies the number of rejected records at which to stop processing. A value of -1 implies that Data Manager should keep processing, no matter how many rejected records exist. The default value is 500, which can be represented by an empty string.


Required Parameter

Specifies the amount of decimal places to round values during the transformation.

When specifying integer, the integer can be zero or any positive integer.

Default: no rounding occurs

Ø SKIP= integer

Default: 0 (zero)

Number of lines to skip at the top of a data file. If your data file has a header, set this value so that those lines are skipped during transformation.

Ø SKIPIF= text string | text_string2

Required parameter

Default: empty_string

Skip a line in the data file if it begins with the specified strings. The strings are separated by |,in the above case. If a record contains or , the record will be skipped. Setting this option to an empty string means that no lines are skipped in the body of the data file. Header lines can still be skipped using the SKIP command, above.



Default: No

If YES, validate the mapping and that members exist and that the record is proper for the BPC application before the import. In this case, for a member ID is not mapped, that specific record would be rejected during validation and ignored. If the import file has an extra field that is not mapped, all records will be rejected during validation.


This option is only used for importing transaction data from infoprovider; it is illegal when running other packages.

The SELECTION option set the select rules when exacting transaction data from infoprovider. is the technique name of the dimension, is the value of

Condition statement set to this dimension. For example 0SX_ACCS, US;0SX_CSLC, 1 represents the selection statement 0SX_ACCS=US and 0SX_CSLC= 1

Note: This is used for loading transactional data as is


Mapping Section

The *Mapping section of the transformation file defines how data is mapped to your BPC database. Data Manager associates fields to header names when you have a header row in your data file.


A = dimension member

Creates a new field with the given value.



Conversion Section

*CONVERSION section of the transformation file defines which conversion sheet(s) to use with which dimensions.


Dimension Name = [COMPANY]WorkbookName[!SheetName]

Data Transfer and Preview

Data Manager allows you to transfer data files to and from the server. The Upload function allows you to move files from your local machine to the Data Files folder on the server.

The Download function allows you to move files from the Data Files folder on the server to your local hard drive.

When you want to see the way your data is laid out when creating a transformation file. You can preview Database (mdb), Excel, and ASCII text data files. You can preview data files that reside on the server in Company site or other Site directories.

Uploading a Flat File into the Database


1. In the action pane, select Upload data file.

2. Choose a file to upload.

3. Choose a location in the DataFiles location on the server.

Downloading a Text File from the Database


1. In the action pane, select Download data file.

2. Choose the Source file from the Data files location on the server.

(Once you have selected the source file, you can preview it.)

3. Choose a destination for the file.

Previewing Data


1. Choose eData  Data Preview.

2. Select a data folder.

3. Select a directory and a data file, and choose OK.

4. Do one of the following depending on the type of file you opened:

o For text files, choose Delimited or Fixed-width from the Select a data type list. For delimited files, select a delimiter.

o For Microsoft Excel files, select from the Select a worksheet list.

o For database files, select a table from the Select a table list.

5. Select a different file and choose Open to preview another file. Choose Cancel when you are done previewing your data.

(Note: The preview window loads only the first 200 lines of your data.)

Import Transaction from a Data File Example


The target cube contains the Account, Category and Time dimensions.

The target data is aggregated prior to the copy process.


If the record in data file already exists (note that all the dimension members in the record are treated as a composed key) in the cube, the record in cube will be overwritten by the corresponding record in the data file. Otherwise the record in data file will be inserted as a new record. If there are duplicate records in the data file, just the last record will be written into the cube. The records that exist in the cube (but not in the data file) will not be affected.

Records in the Data File




Pre-Import Cube Records




Post-Import Cube Records




Import Master Data from Data File Example


The target cube contains the Account, Category and Time dimensions.

The target data is aggregated prior to the copy process.


If the source dimension member (the member record in data file) already exists in the application set (ID is the only key that can be used to determine whether or not the member already exists), the source dimension member will overwrite the member that exists in the application set.

If the source dimension member does not exist in the application set , the source dimension will be inserted into the application set as a new one.

The dimension members in the application set (but not in the source file) will not change.

Example Format

Dimension: Account. The first data column is ID.

Source Data

10000000,AST,,Current Assets,,


11110000,AST,,Petty Cash,,


Pre-Import Application Set Account Members




Post-Import Application Set Account Members

10000000,AST,,Current Assets,,


11110000,AST,,Petty Cash,,
