Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Types of Logic

Sheet Based Logic

􀂄 Exists in worksheet only

Dimension Logic (use sparingly!)

􀂄 Within the definition of a dimension using Microsoft MDX language

􀂄 Calculations defined for a specific member ID

􀂄 Calculations can be defined for specific intersections within one application

only (cube)

Script Logic

􀂄 A script using a proprietary language or MDX

􀂄 Calculations defined for a specific member ID

􀂄 Creates base level data in the application

􀂄 Calculations can cross applications

Rules Based (table driven) Logic

􀂄 Using a rules based engine for specific pre-defined business requirements

􀂋 Legal consolidation

􀂋 Currency

􀂋 Elimination

􀂄 Rules not specific to a single member ID

􀂄 Calculations will cross applications

Script Logic

To create files containing instructions for performing calculations with special requirements on SAP Business Planning and Consolidation data.

Two files for each piece of script logic

· An .LGF file, which is an ASCII file you create and edit when setting up logic calculations. You access the .LGF file through the Script Logic editor in the Admin Console.

· An .LGX file, which is the compiled logic file created by the system when you validate and save your logic. This is an executable version of the .LGF file that is not stored in BPC.

Default logic is a special logic statement that is executed on every write back(WB) to an application.

The system constants file is the logic file that maps your dimension names for an application to the standard BPC logic.

Advanced logic can be run from Data Manager for batch processing of formulas. Using Data Manager to execute Logic module formulas is useful for calculations that do not need to be executed immediately.

For example, you may decide to wait until all data has been entered in the local currency before generating the translated amounts in reporting currencies.

Logic library

BPC has a library of standard logic functions available for your use. The file has the extension .LGF, which can be called at validation by using the INCLUDE function in your logic file. The logic module scans the library file for the appropriate formulas to use based on the information in the .LGF file.

Examples of logic delivered with BPC:

· Allocation.lgf — Runs an allocation

· Calcaccount.lgf — Used to prepare Cash Flow; runs a Account Calculation Business Rule

· Consolidation.lgf — Used to run a Legal Consolidation Business Rule

· Copy_Opening.lgf — Used to run a Balance Carry Forward business rule

· FX_Trans.lgf — Used to run currency conversion

· ICBooking.lgf — Used for running inter-company reconciliation and difference posting

· ICData.lgf — Used to run inter-company reconciliation

· ICElim.lgf — Used for running inter-company reconciliation

· MDXlib.lgf — Library of MDX financial functions

· System_Constants.lgf — Stores constant values for use within script logic. See the section that follows for more information.

· System_Library.lgf — Includes basic examples of a set of keywords

· Validation.lgf — Used for running a Validation rule.

MDX Functions

Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) provides several BW MDX functions you can use in your dimension rule formulas.

A majority of the MDX functions define industry-standard financial ratios.

To evaluate the performance of your business and identify potential problems. Ratios expose factors such as the earning power, solvency, efficiency, and debt load of your business.

Common MDX functions is Ancestor, FirstChild, Count, Sum, Max, Median, Min, Count,IIf…etc.

Simple Rule Formula Examples

Calculating a YTD value

Syntax: [dimension].[account1],[Measures].[YTD]

How to develop the script

Current Year Net Income: ([Account].[Net Income], [Measures].[YTD])

Custom Logic

This instruction to call any custom ABAP programming

CALL_CUSTOM_LOGIC <program_name>

where program_name is the name of the ABAP program (uppercase, limited to 50 characters)


User-Defined Functions

User-defined functions are MDX functions that users create and register with the system.

User-defined functions supplied by BPC include:

MON — month

Returns the MONTH member from the Time dimension

PRO — property value

Returns the value of a property of the current member of a dimension.

MOVEMENT — month to month movement

Returns the movement on an account from one month to the next month.

MOVEMENT2 — month to month movement on two accounts

Returns the movement on two accounts combined from one month to the next month.

FIRSTPREV — opening balance, first month

Returns the opening balance, but only in first month of year.

Advanced Rule Formula Examples

Advanced rule formulas include movement calculations and allocating expenses based on entity type.


Movement calculations define the copying or movement of data from one time period to another. In the formula examples below, [AccRec] is the accounts receivable account, and [AccPay] is the accounts payable account.

Account :-Mvmt Acc Rec

Movement in Accounts Receivable

Iif([Time].CurrentMember.Children.Count=0, [Account].[AccRec] - ([Account].[AccRec], [Time].PrevMember), SUM(Descendants([Time].CurrentMember, [Time].[Month], LEAVES))).

Rules Keyword Reference

The reference contains descriptions of all the rule statements you can use, the Rules Assistant to help create rules statements.

The syntax is:



This expands into:

#MYSUM = [A]+[B]+[C]+[D]

The expression to the right of the equals sign ( = ) currently does not support more complex expressions. Also, only one formula can be written inside the ADD/ENDADD structure.

Types Business Rule

There are six types of business rules available at the application level which can be enabled

  • Account Transformation: Performs a straight summarization of a group of accounts. Account transformation reads and aggregates the values posted to specific combinations of accounts, flow types and data sources in order to post the aggregated amount under an alternate destination account, flow and data source combination.
  • Carry – Forward: Summarizes a group of activity accounts and copies the value into an opening balance account. Facilitates populating the opening balances in the new year with the closing balances as of the last period of the prior year and transfer current period net income to the Balance Sheet in order to create a fully balanced Balance sheet for each period.
  • Currency Translation: Performs standard currency translation. The currency conversion function is designed to convert local currency values into one or more reporting and/or group currencies.
  • Intercompany Eliminations: Performs intercompany eliminations and allows us to perform the intercompany matching process.
  • US Eliminations: Controls where in an Entity dimension member the results of eliminations are stored
  • Validation: Allows user to check integrity and correctness of entered data. This facilitates validating the data at different stages of the data submission and enrichment process to help ensure the completeness and accuracy of the existing data. In other words this business rule ensures that the data is in consistent state as per the business logic.


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