Monday, December 20, 2010

Difference Between Optimizing applications(Lite,Full)

SAP BPC Optimizing applications
When you create new application sets and applications, only a small amount of data exists. As the amount of data you maintain grows over time, we recommend you periodically run the optimize function to improve performance.
Two types of optimization exist — Light and Full.
Light Optimization compresses and indexes the stored data and updates database statistics for system processing.

Lite Optimization

Is a maintenance process similar to the BW InfoCube performance maintenance tasks of index rebuild, statistics rebuilds, and compression.

This process deletes the infocube indexes and moves records from the F to the E fact tables.

This process compresses/collapses the records with the same key

Additional zero suppression is possible (manually adjusted in process chain)

Updates the infocube statistics

There is no set recommendation as to the frequency, however it is generally recommended that these (index/statistics) tasks be executed after the load process to provide satisfactory performance for reporting and input schedule updates.

“There is no rule of thumb for how often to run optimizations. The need can vary depending on the characteristics of your hardware environment and your application.”

As best practice:

When new application sets and applications are created run a Full Optimization.
Lite Optimization doesn’t take the system offline, and can be scheduled during normal business activity (e.g. after a data load)
Full Optimization need the system to be offline so they should be run at down-time periods – for example after a month-end close.
• Full Optimization performs the same operations as Light Optimization. In addition, it checks the NetWeaver BI data model and, if the data model can be improved, improves it. Running a full optimization could take a long time when a large volume of data exists.

Full Optimization

This process essentially rebuilds the application in its entirety. The process creates a new application and copies the data to the new application.

This process is a RESTRUCTURING of the BPC application data model

How does the system determine if a full optimization is necessary?

The algorithm looks at the size of the dimensions and the dimension members. If the dimension tables have <20% size of the fact table and as many line item dimensions are used, then the system will give a message “Optimization not required at this time”.

If the InfoCube needs restructuring – do it, then perform lite optimization

if not, perform a lite optimization

why does the infocube technical name change with the Full Optimization?

Optimize an application by choosing Select Optimize Application from the Manage Applications action pane, then choosing one or more applications and a type of optimization to perform.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC)

SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC):

Features include:
• Legal & management consolidation
• Currency conversion
• Inter-company eliminations
• Multi-tier allocations
• Journal entries
• Reports including P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Fixed Assets
• Standards-compliant including IAS, IFRS, FASB, GAAP
• Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
• Logic
• Reports

Most reports in BOP (Business Object Planning) can be replicated exactly in BPC using EVDRE and EVGET functions. Other reports may require some modification in format in layout - however to date, we have not found any reports that cannot be replicated. Input schedules - A key design issue relates to how workbooks can be replicated in BPC. BOP uses the concept of SPM's which provide a powerful way to create variable length input sheets and flexibility. To a large extent, spread rules can be replicated using BPC's Spread data option. BPC provides variable length input sheets using its EVDRE formula. Workflow - BPC uses more sophisticated workflow than BPC - BOP's workflow can be replicated and then enhanced in BPC. Non-validated dimensions - BPC has no concept of non-validated dimensions, i.e. all dimensions must be validated. Therefore the data form design requires to be amended to allow for this type of functionality.

SAP BPC's consolidation features in greater depth:

Currency conversion
SAP BPC enables multinational companies with global entities and subsidiaries to easily – and in real-time – calculate currency exchange rates and perform conversions for any number of denominations. With SAP BPC, converting your data from Euros to Dollars to Pesos takes seconds, not hours.

Inter-company eliminations
Understanding transactions from an inter-company perspective is vital to the integrity of your consolidated statements. This may result in the elimination or re-allocation of any number of your inter-company transactions. SAP BPC provides the tools you need to automate this normally time-consuming process, easily adjusting to the frequency, duration, and amounts of your custom-defined elimination requirements.

Journal entries
Manual and automated adjustments are an integral part of the periodic financial close process in today’s complex consolidation and reporting environment. SAP BPC provides complete support for flexible journal entry, reporting and tracking to meet your complex consolidation requirements.

Unified financial & management reporting
With SAP BPC, certifying your financial (and even operational) performance is now easier than ever. SAP BPC provides any number of standard and custom report templates enabling users to self-generate their reports quickly and easily—without IT or administrator assistance. A full spectrum of report types is available including P&L, Ebitda, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Equity, and Fixed Assets.

Complex ownership structures
Multinational enterprises face a unique set of consolidation and reporting challenges due to their oft-complex ownership structures. SAP BPC effectively addresses these challenges by providing the ability to report multiple ownership entities by time period, as well as the ability to make automatic adjustments for multiple ownership consolidation methods.

Multi-tier allocations
In order to ensure the accuracy of your financial information, you may need to allocate numbers throughout and across your organization. For example, you may need to re-distribute certain manufacturing costs to R&D. With built-in financial intelligence, SAP BPC can dynamically manage any type, number or measure of allocation.

Data integration (ETL)
With built in data integration and management capabilities (ETL), SAP BPC allows you to tap virtually any data source to access, capture and map your actuals data. Typical data sources leveraged by SAP BPC customers include: General ledger systems such as JD Edwards, Great Plains, and others; ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, and PeopleSoft; transactional data from CRM, SCM, and other systems; and data from spreadsheets and other financial management products.

Compliance & Sarbanes-Oxley
SAP BPC provides an effective, secure process framework that ensures the highest level of accuracy, reliability, and consistency throughout the whole of your performance process—from budgeting and forecasting through financial close and reporting. Industry experts such as Gartner contends that performance software—like that from SAP BPC—can help in meeting the stringent requirements as set forth by Sarbanes-Oxley including report certification, process control, and faster reporting cycles.

SAP BPC: A comprehensive consolidation solution
Thousands of business users rely on SAP BPC every day to manage their most critical financial consolidation and reporting requirements. Key benefits and features of SAP BPC include the following:
• Unifies consolidated results on both a legal and management basis
• Shaves days and weeks from the financial close process
• Enables regulatory compliance such as Sarbanes-Oxley
• Provides a single, centralized view of operational and financial performance data
• Consolidates data in real-time from any number of general ledger systems and charts-of-account tables—creating a single COA structure
• Provides clear, transparent financial statements and reporting including P&L, cash flows, and balance sheets
• Compares budget-to-actuals data from a single application including assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses
• Automates the inter-company elimination process, providing clear transparency into corporate transactions at all levels
• Manages any number of currencies, performing conversions, allocations and eliminations as needed; supports currency triangulation
• Patented Microsoft Excel integration for intuitive data management and reporting
• Supports all reporting standards including GAAP, FASB, IAS


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
The term "GAAP" is an abbreviation for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). GAAP is a codification of how CPA firms and corporations prepare and present their business income and expense, assets and liabilities on their financial statements. GAAP is not a single accounting rule, but rather the aggregate of many rules on how to account for various transactions.
When preparing financial statements prepared using GAAP, most American corporations and other business entities use the many rules of how to report business transactions based upon the various GAAP rules. This provides for consistency in the reporting of companies and businesses so that financial analysis, Banks, Shareholders and the SEC can have all reporting companies preparing their financial statements using the same rules and reporting procedures.
The rules and procedures for reporting under GAAP are complex and have developed over a long period of time. Currently there are more than 150 "pronouncements" as to how to account for different types of transactions, ranging from how to report regular income from the sale of goods, and its related inventory values, to accounting for incentive stock option distributions. By using consistent principles, all companies reporting under GAAP report these transactions on their financial statements in a consistent manner.
The various rules and pronouncements come from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) which is a non-profit organization that the accounting profession has created to promulgate the rules of GAAP reporting and to amend the rules of GAAP reporting as occasion requires. The more recent pronouncements come as Statements of the Financial Accounting Board (SFAS). Changes in the GAAP rules can carry tremendous impact upon American business. For example, when FASB stopped requiring banks to mark their assets (loans) to the lower of cost or market (i.e. value of a foreclosed home loan). the effect on a bank's "net worth" as defined by GAAP can change dramatically. While generally neutral, there is some pressure on the FASB to yield to industry or political pressure when it makes its rules.
GAAP is slowly being phased out in favor of the International Accounting Standards as the global business becomes more pervasive. GAAP applies only to United States financial reporting and thus an American company reporting under GAAP might show different results if it was compared to a British company, that uses the International Standards. While there is tremendous similarity in between GAAP and the International Rules. the differences can lead a financial statement user to incorrectly believe that company A made more money than company B simply because they report using different rules. The move towards International Standards seeks to eliminate this kind of disparity.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Consolidation Factors

Consolidation Factors

The element of corporate combination which have been identified as likely contributors to a net increase in market value may be categorized as either

"Operating" or "finacial”.

On the operating list would be counted the following:

1) Opportunities for economics of sales or other direct effciences in manfactring:

2) the enchanmcent of competivitate sales positions through augmented monopoly power or the appeal of more

complete product line:

3) a complementarrity in research and basic technological expertise relating to new products:

4)A convenient fit of scarce managerial skill leading to greater administartive effiency.

It seems unarguable that if indeed one or more of these conditions is present in the joining of two enterpries ,

the aggregate profitability of the two will rise ,as should the consequent market value of teh surviving firm.

on the other hand,there has been considerable skepticism expreseed in the literature as to the frequency with

which such benifits are accesible in practice.

1)Random Server Proliferation

2) Physical co-location of system

(Server and Sotrage)

3) Storage consolidation

"Legacy" consolidation of smaller applications

4) Like-workload Consolidation

5) Last and Bravest choice

Mixed workload consolidation

A financial statement which covers a holding company and its subsidiaries is called consolidated Finacial statement.

4.1Background on market power

4.2. Static market power analyses – effects of market concentration on prices and profits

4.3. Dynamic market power analyses – effects of M&As on prices and profits

4.4. The external market power effect

This study examined coping strategies and situational stressors as predictors of employee distress and turnover following an organizational consolidation. Six coping strategies were used: action planning, positive reinterpretation, acceptance, seeking emotional social support, intention to quit, and using alcohol or drugs. Two stressors, the extent to which a unit was affected by the consolidation and consolidation-related stress, were used. Two indicators of distress, mental distress and somatic complaints, were measured at three time periods: three months prior to, shortly after, and six months after the consolidation. The coping strategies were assessed three months prior to and in response to the consolidation. Findings indicated that intention ro quit and consolidation stress predicted mental distress while positive reinterpretation, use of alcohol or drugs and lower unit impact predicted somatic complaints shortly after the consolidation. Six months later, the main predictor of mental distress and somatic complaints was use of alcohol and drugs Turnover best predicted by a pre-consolidation indicator of intent to quit and a post-consolidation indicator of lack of acceptance of the consolidation.

Ensure data integrity. Financial Consolidation allows you to decrease cycle time and improve accuracy by automating the loading, consolidation, and validation of data from multiple organizational units. It also determines the most efficient consolidation paths for you. Because the data and changes are consolidated in a central, secure database, you instantly arrive at a single version of the truth not easily attained using spreadsheets. The application also features built-in calculations for the accurate handling of currency conversions, group ownership, and variances.

Support compliance. Using Financial Consolidation's journal entry capabilities, you can adjust data for consolidation issues, regulatory reporting, and management requirements. The application automatically handles exchange gains and losses, and eliminates consolidation adjustments such as minority interests, joint ventures, intercompany eliminations, and allocations. It also allows you to control the percentage of subsidiaries and associate enterprises that are rolled up, and the rate at which it happens. Financial Consolidation provides a complete audit trail on all consolidation adjustments, allowing you to review changes and providing the transparency needed to satisfy internal and external auditors.

Bringing speed, accuracy, agility, transparency, and insight to the process, BPC Financial Consolidation simplifies the tasks associated with consolidation so finance leaders can spend more time analyzing results and guiding the business—leading to greater return on investment and low total cost of ownership.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Consolidation Factors in Business Planning

Consolidation Factors in Business Planning

organizations large and small have initiated or continued data center consolidation projects. Unlike some other IT initiatives, the benefits from this exercise are clear and well-documented, and include both economic and operations advantages. the unanticipated side effects of data center consolidation and consider a proactive strategy for mitigating those risks prior to completion of the product.

Risk Factor 1: Information Risk

Data center consolidation represents an incredible concentration of information on an infrastructure that’s highly accessible. Remember that not all data is created equal, with some being much more sensitive than others. However, because the economics of the new data center are so compelling, there is now a much broader variety of data within it. research, financial information, and intranet content, and you have terabytes of growing and disparate information all residing within the same data center. The capacity of the new data, along with the continued, rapid growth of information, challenges its ability to be effectively controlled.

Risk Factor 2: Asset Risk
Which assets contain the sensitive information? Great question, especially when we mix in server virtualization and storage area networks (SANs). The benefits of the afore-mentioned technologies are great, but it remains a challenge for most organizations to identify assets which contain some of the critical information we highlighted in Risk Factor 1. This is a major compliance challenge, as identification of critical assets is just as important as identifying the data which they contain.

Risk Factor 3: Access Risk

Organizations often have a vast array of not only authentication techniques, but also of authorization methods. Depending on their information, different assets might require different access methods, which may in turn be incongruous with other technologies in place. To overcome access challenges, numerous technologies are thrown at the problem. These include but are not limited to router access controls, virtual LANs, firewalls, single sign on (SSO), intrusion detection, etc. Whether the information is distributed, concentrated, or virtualized, getting the policy in place for managing access remains a challenge.

Risk Factor 4: Audit Risk

Aggravating these challenges are the ever-increasing audit requirements.It doesn’t matter whether you’re a privately held entity not controlled by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, or if you just have sensitive information, you’re going to have to prove that you have the requisite controls in place and that they’re working. Even within a consolidated data center, collecting information is difficult, especially since audit information may have to be correlated with other information outside the data center. Activating specific auditing functionality within point products might not only result in large log files and trigger a number of events, but may in fact impact operational and transactional performance as well.

Moving forward, it’s imperative for a broader array of stakeholders to be involved in the up-front efforts to tackle the risk factors. Though technology is evolving to address these issues, it does not preclude the need for cross-functional planning and a candid assessment of requirements.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reporting and analytics with BPC: Navigating your options

Reporting and analytics with BPC: Navigating your options

"SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation provides an easy-to-use and powerful interface for creating reports and maintaining data. The reporting options for SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation can be classified under two broad categories:

SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation for Excel

SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation for Web

An Excel interface is used to report data in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation, which can also be integrated with Word and PowerPoint documents. SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Csonlidation for Excel, however, is the primary tool used for planning, consolidation, and reporting.

The SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation Web interface can be used as a complementary tool to create and enable reports on the web.

The following are some of the key features of the reporting tool within SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation:

1. Offers Excel tools with SAP data storage

When you use the SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation for Excel tool, you can use the functions and features available in Excel and, at the same time, store the data in an SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation database. This enables users to use both Excel and a robust database for storing data, which will be necessary for high volume enterprise wide applications.

2. Provide dynamic templates

SAP BusinessObjecs Planning and Consolidation offers standard templates, also called dynamic templates, which support different types of analysis commonly requested by businesses. Standard templates can be used to develop different types of reports, including monthy comparison reports, yearly comparison reports, trend reports, and variance reports. The ability to use these templates with very little development effort reduces TCO.

3. Allows you to customize standard templates

Standard templates can easily be customized to meet a particular business requirement. This easy-to-customize feature makes standard templates more appealing.

4. Offers flexible ways to display data

The reporting interface is designed to provide maximum flexibility to display data. There is no code involved in creating a report. Using selection criteria, the report displays the data that is required for analysis. The system-supplied Measures dimension lets you view the data in different ways, either by period, quarter to data (QTD), or year to date (YTD).

5. Provides Ev functions

SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation for Excel provides Ev functions, a table of functions used for reporting. This aids in creating and delivering sophisticated reports for efficient data analysis.

The EvDRE (Data Range Exchange) function to generate Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) reports and input schedules.

The EvCOM function references another cell and sends its value, a textual comment, to the database when specified.

The Get Partial Comment function retrieves comments based on a partially-qualified current view.(EvCGP)

The Get Comment function retrieves comments for a fully-specified current view(EvCGT).

he EvMBR (Member) function allows you to select a member from Member Lookup dialog box by double-clicking on the cell that contains the formula. The selected member ID is returned as the value of the cell.

The Expand function performs row or column expansions

· SELF — (Default) Returns the current member

· EVDPS — Returns the current member and its dependents

· EVDEP — Returns the current member's dependents

· EVBSS — Returns the current member and its base level members

· EVBAS — Returns the current member's base level members

· EVALS — Returns the current member and all members below it

· EVALL — Returns all members below the current member

· EVMembers — Returns all members, above and below the current member

The EvDNV (Document Navigation) function allows you to display a list of documents posted to the Content Library page of BPC Web.

ort field (optional)

· 0 = Title

· 1 = Type

· 2 = Subtype

· 3 = Application (context)

· 4 = Date

Ascending order (optional)

· 0 = Ascending

· 1 = Descending

TargetWindow (optional) — Determines where to display the documents.

· 0 = Same frame (default)

· 1 = Same window

· 2 = New window

· Text Functions that return text strings. These text strings can be used to display information, or as parameters in other functions.

Functions that return or send one or more values to BPC databases, based on specified criteria.

EvBET (Better/worse) functions perform a better or worse comparison of two values, based on the account type (ACCTYPE) property of the account member. ACCTYPE has the following values:

· INC (Income)

· EXP (Expense)

· AST (Asset)

· LEQ (Liabilities & Equity)

6. Allows for offline analysis

The data displayed in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation reports can also be used for offline analysis. Specific features allow users to take the data from a report offline, modify it, and retract it back into SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation.

7. Provides features unqiue to planning and consolidation

SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation provides features that are used specifically in planning and consolidation applications. The ability to use spread, trend, and wight data makes it easy to allocate data and create projections for the future.

8. Offers standardized reports

The reporting functionality includes out-of-the-box system reports that can be displayed and executed on the web. They servce as a tool to analyze metadata and to monitor changes to the objects in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation."

These, of course, are still just a few of the reporting options available with BPC. Today, many users even leverage their planning and consolidation activities alongside SAP BusinessObjects BI solutions, such as Xcelsius and SAP Crystal Reports, for further data analysis.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

script logic and business rules in BPC

Script logic – or the application of specific business rules to achieve a certain planning or consolidation function within SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation –was on of the most talked about topics at the BPC Bootcamp in Chicago, June 13-15. While the benefits of script logic are clear, the execution piece can sometimes present a challenge.

Here are some tips pulled from the SAP PRESS book, SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation by Sridhar Srinivasan and Kumar Srinivisan, to help you get started with script logic in BPC:

Script logic can be executed in two ways. It can be either included in the file DEFAULT.LGF and automatically executed when users enter or load data to an application, or it can be executed using a data manager package.

DEFAULT.LGF is a special type of script logic file that is executed when you load data or enter data using an input template. The SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation system runs the default logic indicated in the DEFAULT.LGF file of the application.

You can also execute a script logic file from the data manager. Using a data manager package, you can develop script logic to perform specific data management tasks and execute the script logic.

After delving into a few specifics and figures, outlining the details of script logic, the authors go on to discuss business rules which, similarly to script logic, can be used to perform unique planning and consolidation tasks (without the need for code). Here is an overview of the different types of business rules you can create in BPC, pulled from section 6.3 of the book, SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation:

Instead of writing code, you can also configure business rules to perform certain tasks related to planning and consolidation. The code is already available in SAP function modules; you just need to call them in a script and pass the appropriate parameters to perform the desired function.

In this section, we will provide a brief introduction to the different business rules that can be configured in SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation.

1. Account transformation

Account transformation reads and aggregates the values posted to specific combinations of accounts, flow types, and data sources, and posts an aggregated amount under an alternate destination account, flow type, and data source combination.

2. Intercompany booking

Accounting transactions between two different entities within an organization need to be eliminated when reporting consolidation financial results. The intercompany booking business rule allows business users to set rules to post intercompany transactions to an elimination entity; this rule automatically generates the postings needed to eliminate intercompany transactions when reporting financial results.

3. Carry-forward

The carry-forward business rule is used to transfer the closing balances of a particular period into the opening balance of a subsequent period. This procedure is used to initialize the opening balance of a new reporting period with the closing balances from the last period.

4. Automatic adjustments

The most important of the necessary adjustments for legal consolidation relate to the elimination of intercompany transactions between the various reporting units, and reclassifications and supporting of the applicable rules for the accounting of long-term investments. The automatic adjustment business rule supports the calculation and generation of these postings.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Outlooksoft ramap SAP BPC Side

OutlookSoft Corporation is the first provider of unified, predictive performance management solutions that enable the predictable enterprise. The company's flagship solution OutlookSoft provides a single performance management platform for strategic planning, budgeting, forecasting, statutory consolidation, reporting, analysis, predictive analytics, scorecarding, and dashboards.In addition to its software, the company delivers related consulting, training, implementation, and ongoing product/client support services, both directly and through a network of strategic partner, reseller, and distributor relationships. OutlookSoft is a Gold Certified Microsoft Solution Partner for Business Intelligence and a member of the Oracle PartnerNetwork.
MICROSOFT EXCEL is the de factor language of business. For nearly a quarter of a century, spreadsheets have helped businesspeople of all stripes communicate their past performance as well as their expectations for the future. In many companies, everyone from the CEO down to the financial analysts and the line of- business managers relies on Excel spreadsheets to analyze numbers, manage their budgets, forecast financial outcomes, and model what-if scenarios.

Essential Ingredients for Effective Microsoft Excel-Based BPM

• Unified application for all BPM processes,including planning, budgeting, consolidation,
reporting, analysis, and scorecarding.

• Centralized database for a single version of the facts, ensuring the highest level of data
integrity, reliability, and consistency.

• Full process management, including versioning, workflow, status tracking, collaboration, security, and administration.

• Real-time integration with multidimensional database for faster and better-informed
analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

• Ability to integrate and manage data from any general ledger, ERP system, or operational data source.

• Easy, intuitive end-user reporting that includes parameterized and ad hoc queries

• Real-time read/write access, providing immediate results for optimal planning and

• High level of scalability and support for stakeholder collaboration.

• Ability to manage both financial and operational performance data.

• Open-standards technology that lets customers leverage and extend their current
systems, applications, and processes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



With BPC for Excel,
* Utilize the powerful and flexible formulas and functions within reports and input schedules to retrieve, display, and submit data for a real-time view of the financial position of your organization.
* Use predefined report and input schedule templates that you can also customize to meet your specific business requirements.
* Instantly change the information you see in a report or the entities, accounts, time period, and so on of input data simply by changing your current view.
* Display accurate, live data from the database within Microsoft Excel worksheets, Microsoft Word documents, and Microsoft PowerPoint slides.
* Analyze data in reports, perform data entry in input schedules, and distribute information based on user access rights when you are completely offline from the system.
* Submit budgets with a wide range of supporting attachments in the form of spreadsheets, documents, and presentations.
* Create hypothetical scenarios of future outcomes using powerful modeling functions.
* Post journal entries to carefully track changes to your data.
* Schedule and run Data Manager packages for loading, transforming, and manipulating financial data.
Goal Seek is a very powerful tool in Excel for finding break-even points or to perform tailored what-if analysis.
When you know the desired result of a formula but not the input value the formula needs to determine the result, you can use the Goal Seek feature in Excel available by clicking Goal Seek on the Tools menu. This back-solves the problem and finds the input value that satisfies your requested output value. You can change the value of a specified cell until the formula that is dependent on the changed cell returns the result you want. The Goal Seek function has thousands of applications and this tutorial looks at some specific solutions for mortgage or loan decisions. An accompanied workbook can be downloaded which illustrates the examples in this tutorial.
Goal Seek function
To use Goal Seek, a base model must to be set up in your Excel worksheet with the inputs and formulas already in place and working. The function is activated by clicking Goal Seek on the Tools menu.
* Set cell – The output cell
* To value – the target value of the output cell
* By changing cell - The cell that should change
The “Set cell” must always contain a formula or a function. The “By changing cell” must contain a value only, not a formula. Once you have already selected the “Set cell”, click to the “To value” cell and type in the desired value. Then finally click or tab to the “By changing cell” and select cell that you wish to change and click OK.
As soon as you select “OK” you will see that Goal Seek re-calculates the formula. Then you have options either to “OK” or “Cancel”. If “OK” is selected the new solved value will be inserted into the Worksheet. If “Cancel” is selected, the value in the worksheet will return to its original state.
Iterations in Goal Seek
Note that when goal seeking, Microsoft Excel backs into a solution using numerical iterations, so it won’t necessarily find the “exact” solution. It might come “close enough” and stop, or it might not be able to find the solution that you would like to achieve.

How to Use Excel 2010's Goal Seek Feature
The Goal Seek feature in Excel 2010 is a what-if analysis tool that enables you to find the input values needed to achieve a goal or objective. To use Goal Seek, you select the cell containing the formula that will return the result you're seeking and then indicate the target value you want the formula to return and the location of the input value that Excel can change to reach the target.

The steps below follow a specific example for using Goal Seek to help you better understand how to use this feature. Refer to the figures for guidance. To use Goal Seek to find out how much sales must increase to return a net income of $300,000 in the first quarter, follow these steps:

1Select the cell containing the formula that will return the result you're seeking; in this example, cell C7.

This cell contains the formula that calculates the forecast for the first quarter of 2011.

2. On the Data tab, choose What-If Analysis Goal Seek in the Data Tools group.

This action opens the Goal Seek dialog box. Because cell C7 is the active cell when you open this dialog box, the Set Cell text box already contains the cell reference C7.

3. Select the To Value text box and enter the goal.

This is the value you want the formula in the Set Cell box to reach. In this example, it's 300000.

4. Select the By Changing Cell text box and select the cell that you want to change

Excel will change the value in this cell reference to try to reach the goal in the To Value box. In this example, cell C3 contains the first quarter sales. The absolute cell address, $C$3, appears in the text box.

5. Click OK.

Excel displays the Goal Seek Status dialog box along with the results. In this example, Excel increases the sales in cell C3 from $250,000 to $545,455, which, in turn, returns $300,000 as the income in cell C7.

6. If you want to keep the values entered in the worksheet as a result of goal seeking, click OK.

If you want to return to the original values, click the Cancel button instead. Notice that because all of the values in this table are formulas that ultimately are derived from the value in cell C3, all of the values changed when that cell value was updated during the Goal Seek process.

The Goal Seek Status dialog box informs you that goal seeking has found a solution and that the current value and target value are now the same. When this is not the case, the Step and Pause buttons in the dialog box become active, and you can have Excel perform further iterations to try to narrow and eliminate the gap between the target and current value.

To flip back and forth between the "after" and "before" values when you've closed the Goal Seek Status dialog box, click the Undo button or the Redo button on the Quick Access toolbar.

By Using the Goal seek function in EXCEL we can do different operations at SAP BPC
1. Import Online Data into Excel 2010 with a Web Query (Live Reports SAP BPC)
2.Split Data into Multiple Columns in Excel 2010 (Divide the Business Segmentation of Business Profits in SAP BPC)
3.Using Slicers to Filter Pivot Tables in Excel 2010 (Identify the Business Growth month to month or Q1to Q2, Yr to Yr with graphical Representation)
4.Create a Scenario Summary Report in Excel 2010 (Over all Business strategy)
5.Create a Two-Variable Data Table in Excel 2010 (New Business Positions)
6.Create and Format a Pivot Chart in Excel 2010 (Expand Of Business Segmentations)
7.Modifying a Pivot Table's Summary Function in Excel 2010(Work with Taxs across the Regions)
8.Setting Up Your Baseline in Excel Sales Forecasting (Know Sales Profit)
9.Filter an Excel 2010 Pivot Chart (Know about the Cost center values)
10.Evaluate Scenarios with Excel 2010's Scenario Manager (Analysis of the Operations Values)

Other forecasting techniques goal seek function

* Last months demand
* Average for the previous year
* Rolling average (i.e. 12 months)
* Gut-feeling (very popular)
* Simple or multiple regressions.
* Clustering by period
* Exponential smoothing

Monday, June 7, 2010

Statutory consolidation SAP BPC

Statutory consolidation
Statutory consolidation
A merger in which a new corporate is created from the two merging companies which cease to exist. opposite of a statutory merger.

statutory : Enacted by legislation.
1. To make into law: Congress enacted a tax reform bill.
2. To act (something) out, as on a stage: enacted the part of the parent.

Consolidation or amalgamation is the act of merging many things into one. In business, it often refers to the mergers and acquisitions of many smallercompanies into much larger ones. In the context of financial accounting, consolidation refers to the aggregation of financial statements of a group company as a consolidated account. The taxation term of consolidation refers to the treatment of a group of companies and other entities as one entity for tax purposes. Under the Halsbury's Laws of England, 'amalgamation' is defined as "a blending together of two or more undertakings into one undertaking, the shareholders of each blending company, becoming, substantially, the shareholders of the blended undertakings. There may be amalgamations, either by transfer of two or more undertakings to a new company, or to the transfer of one or more companies to an existing company". Thus, the two concepts are, substantially, the same. However, the term amalgamation is more common when the organizations being merged are private schools or regiments.
Here are three forms of business combinations:
1.Statutory Merger: a business combination that results in the liquidation of the acquired company’s assets and the survival of the purchasing company.
2.Statutory Consolidation: a business combination that creates a new company in which none of the previous companies survive.
3.Stock Acquisition: a business combination in which the purchasing company acquires the majority, more than 50%, of the Common stock of the acquired company and both companies survive.
4.Amalgamation: Means an existing Company which is taken over by another existing company. In such course of amalgamation, the consideration may be paid in "cash" or in "kind", and the purchasing company survives in this process....
A parent company can acquire another company in two ways:
5.By purchasing the net assets.
6.By purchasing the common stock of another company.
Regardless of the method of acquisition; direct costs, costs of issuing securities and indirect costs are treated as follows:
7.Direct costs, Indirect and general costs: the acquiring company expenses all acquisition related costs as they are incurred.
8.Costs of issuing securities: these costs reduce the issuing price of the stock.
Purchase of Net Assets.

Treatment to the acquiring company: When purchasing the net assets the acquiring company records in its books the receipt of the net assets and the disbursement of cash, the creation of a liability or the issuance of stock as a form of payment for the transfer.
Treatment to the acquired company: The acquired company records in its books the elimination of its net assets and the receipt of cash, receivables or investment in the acquiring company (if what was received from the transfer included common stock from the purchasing company). If the acquired company is liquidated then the company needs an additional entry to distribute the remaining assets to its shareholders.
Purchase of Common Stock
Treatment to the purchasing company: When the purchasing company acquires the subsidiary through the purchase of its common stock, it records in its books the investment in the acquired company and the disbursement of the payment for the stock acquired.
Treatment to the acquired company: The acquired company records in its books the receipt of the payment from the acquiring company and the issuance of stock.
Consolidated financial statements are financial statements that factor the holding company's subsidiaries into its aggregated accounting figure. It is a representation of how the holding company is doing as a group. The consolidated accounts should provide a true and fair view of the financial and operating conditions of the group. Doing so typically requires a complex set of eliminating and consolidating entries to work back from individual financial statements to a group financial statement that is an accurate representation of operations.

Consolidation and Reporting solutions allow financial managers to:
Reduce close cycle times
Reduce costs and risks
Create enterprise value
Improve margins

Greater company agility to help manage the bottom line

More time for decision making

Financial Data Quality Management Benefits
• Increase your financial data quality and confidence in the numbers
• Simplify the collection, mapping, verification, and movement of financial data
• Standardize on repeatable financial processes
• Lower the cost of compliance
• Improve productivity of finance staff and eliminate manual file manipulation and bottlenecks
Financial Data Quality Management Features
• Audit trails deliver process transparency
• Web-based, guided workflow user interface helps users easily create timely, accurate financial data management processes
• Data preparation server aids the integration and validation of financial data from any source system
• Pre-packaged BPM Adapters for Oracle Hyperion EPM Suite applications so you can further reduce integration costs and data mapping complexities
• Ability to incorporate SOX 302 Sub Certifications and 404 Assessments within the closing process
• Data validations and quality checking at every step in the process
• More than 85 pre-built audit, log, system, and process management reports
STATUTORY MERGER is a merger where one entity remains as a legal entity, instead of a new legal entity being formed.
STATUTORY CONSOLIDATION is a merger where a new corporate entity is created from the two merging entities; the two merging entities

How to do profit consolidation
Choosing the right consolidation company is an important decision that you need to make during debt consolidation. There are both for-profit and non-profit debt consolidation companies operating in the market.

There are debt consolidation non profit firms that are certified by the IRS as charitable organizations that can help you in consolidating your debts. These companies have obtained charitable status from the IRS. make sure Identify the Companies is a non profit organization or profit organisation.

How do they manage to work in non profit manner?
The Company is “non profit” may create an illusion in the mind of the customer. In this world where nothing comes for free, how can thesecompanies survive as non profit? Well, the word non profit doesn’t necessarily mean that the service is free of cost rather it only means that there wouldn’t be any overall profit for the company at the end of the negotiation.
These debt consolidation non profit companies are normally funded by donation, and not abusiness cash advance, from the customers as well as creditors. Creditors would pay a percentage of the settled amount to the non profit organization for their services. Some companies may also charge nominal fees from the customer.

How would they help you?

The debt consolidation non profit companies don’t work very differently than the for-profit ones. You would be assigned to a case manager who would look into your debt situation and guide you accordingly.
You would then be presented with an agreement which would explain how your consolidation program would work and how much you would need to spend for it. Once you agree to the contract, the counselor would then negotiate with the creditors to lower your interest rates.
You are required to make monthly payments which then will be disbursed amongst your creditors to satisfy your debt obligation. The advantage of this program is that it will stop harassment from the creditors.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


You can start BPC Web from the BPC Launch page by choosing BPC Web. Alternatively, you can start BPC Web from another BPC component (for example, BPC for Office or BPC Administration).
BPC Web provides the following features:
• Change the language in which you see the BPC Web interface text and messages, as well as member descriptions in BPC for Office.
• Share and access files such as Microsoft Office documents, HTML files, text files, images, and report files.
• Post web pages.
• Access existing reports and create new reports..
• Submit and retrieve text commentary associated with BPC data cells or other BPC unstructured data elements.
Content Library
The Content Library is a repository for storing files that you want to share. Valid file types include Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, HTML, text (such as an e-mail), web pages and images, but the list of file types can be customized by your system administrator.
Posting Documents
We can post documents that reside on a hard drive or network folder. Posted files display in a list and are filtered by a user's current view, a user's view rights to information, and any manual filters set.
When we post a document to the Content Library using the Content Library Options action pane, we can describe the document, set access to the document, and determine whether you want to send a notification e-mail about the posting.
We can assign a document type and subtype to aid sorting and filtering. System administrators define document types. Subtypes are defined by a user when the document is posted.
Documents that have application context are associated with a current view. For example, a Microsoft Word document might be associated with a particular report. If you want to view a report and anything that is associated with that report, you can view a particular current view. Relevant reports and documents are displayed.
Customizing the Display of the Content Library List
We can sort the list by clicking Sort this list from the Content Library Options action pane or by clicking a column heading.
You can categorize, sort, and filter documents in the Content Library list by:
• Document type and subtype
• Application context
• Access rights
• Date
You can view one item by choosing its title. You can delete items that you posted to the Content Library.

By using content library we can create a web page with different options Modify the object, Set Team Access to the page, Preview the output, Save and view the output. Once the page is open, you can add and view comments, modify the contents of the page, or delete the page.
A Web Ready File, which can be an Excel spreadsheet, published report, Word document, PowerPoint slide, web page, and so on, which has been published using Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) for Excel. Content library can work with live reports, Document File, Documents List, and Web site.

Live Reporting is the web-based reporting and data input option for Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC).
Live Reporting provides the ability to create a report, start from a blank page, or edit an existing report or input schedule. format reports by setting a data scale, suppression options, header visibility, column width, and data format.
Format live reports to determine their appearance.
• Scaling numbers
• Suppressing rows and columns containing null values
• Displaying and hiding column and row headers
• Setting column width
• Defining the font type, size, and color of report data
We can create a chart from a live report, or add a chart to a live report so it displays on the same page. When you change the report in any way, the associated chart is also updated.
• You can display the live report and a chart side by side, or only the chart alone.
• You can set the width and height of the chart, the type of chart (bar, column, line, point, pie, area), and whether it is 2D or 3D.
• You can display a legend for the chart and determine its location, alignment, font type, font size, and font color.
• You can remove a chart from a report by clicking the display option Report Only within the chart options on the Drag & Drop Options action pane.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Journals to record and make adjustments to data in the database.
A journal template has been created for the application set.
The appropriate security to perform Journals.

The procedure or steps Journals:
Go to BPC Admin
Manage applications
Finance folder (or any application)
Click Journals
On Action pane click Journal Wizard
Select Header and Detail Dimensions
Create additional header items and sub-items
click finish to create journal template

Setup Task profile for Journals in SECURITY folder

Go to BPC for Excel
From eTools menu, select Journal
From eJournal menu, select New
Create Multi-Header Journal
Save the Journal
Click eJournal menu, select Manager
Post journal entries
Click eJournal menu, select Manager
Execute query (for Journal reports)


SAP BPC is a powerful tool, when organizations have performance, scalability, or data accessibility issues need audit to reduce the process inheritance and improve the process.
BPC has Data auditing and Activity auditing.
Activity Auditing
This function tracks administrative and user tasks at the application set level.
The activity audit records information on system changes, for example, who is creating, changing, deleting applications, dimensions, security, and so on.
Show activity type has following options are available:
• All - All activity types
• Add - Only add activity
• Change - Only activity that involves changes within the system
• Delete - Only delete activity

Reporting on Data Audit Information
Planning and Consolidation records data audit information on who changed transactional data in the application. Since a data audit can only be captured for an application, this report is only applicable at the application-level.
A report shows who changed the data, what time they made the change, how they made the change (for example, through logic or Interface for Excel), and the details of the record that was changed.
The Value field shows you what SIGNEDDATA was changed to, as a result of the change. That is, it shows you the new value (neither the original nor the delta value posted to the database).
Data Auditing
this function tracks changes to transactional data at the application level, such as when and by whom records were changed within an application.
Administrators control whether data auditing is active or not. To enable data auditing, ensure an application set is within your current view, then choose Manage Data Audit.
For each application within the application set, you select a category and one or more of the following tasks to audit:
• Planning and Consolidation for Office
• Data Manager Import
• Data Manager Clear
• Logic Execution
• Live Report
• Journals
We can managing data audit settings, Reporting on data audit information, Purging and archiving data audit logs.

Activity auditing allows you to track the administrative tasks performed in the system. Once activity is recorded, you can run a report that shows system activity, based on specified criteria. The report shows when the task was performed, and by whom.
If enabled, BPC tracks activity for the following functional tasks:

• Application set and application setup
• User and team setup
• Member access and task profile setup
• Business Process Flow management
• Adding, deleting, and modifying business process flows
• Saving business process flows to new names
• Data audit maintenance and activation of data audits
• Document type and document sub-type setup
• Activation of activity audit

It doesnt capture details regarding the work status.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SAP BPC Work status

Work status provides more control to business team in terms of data submission, review and tracking.
• Define – the data region allowed for updates and the responsibility of the region with the control of the Work Status change.
• Control – how updates are achieved (methods) and by whom.
• Manage – Setup work status at both the global and individual application level.

Configuration Steps
• The work status is setup at both the appset and application level.
• The setup at the appset level is fixed for all the applications. The appset level is where you set the „work states‟ and their order but in the application is
• Where you setup the driver dimensions.

Options for each Method / Interface
• All = any user with member access write privilege
• Owner = only users assigned as owner with member access write privilege
• Mgr = only users assigned as owner of the parent to the current member ID with member access write privilege
• Locked = no user regardless of authorization.

Controlled By: Determines who can select the work status code
• Both = owner of the specific member ID and the owner of the parent to the specific member ID
• Owner = owner of the specific member ID
• Mgr = owner of the parent to the specific member ID.

The maximum number of dimensions allowed of work status is 5, minum 3 Dimensions.

The areas of BPC for which you can control the level of security

• Data Manager :Controls data input from running a Copy, Import, or Move package.
• Journals: Controls data input from posting journal entries.
• Manual BPC for Office data entry :Controls data submissions from reports and input schedules in BPC for Office.
• BPC Comments :Controls data input from posting comments (unstructured data).
• Documents :Controls posting documents with application context to the Content Library (unstructured data).

Work Status Process

1. Configuring Work Status – Like Unlocked, Submitted and Approved
2. Ensure owner property is available in the controlling dimension – Example In a planning scenario the entity dimension could be the controlling dimension, so the owner property needs to be present with valid user id(s)
3. Configure the work status setting at the application level – The work status setting could contain different set dimension to determine and control the work status
4. Specify base hierarchy for the work state dimensions
5. Provide member validation for the non work state dimensions

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SAP BPC Interview Question?


1>How Plan Functions in the SAP BPC,is it any Std Function available at NW . if THERE WHAT those?
2>How many types of Consolidations(Legal/Management)
3.Wht is the type of Dimensions is used statutory consolidation?
4.How you do Budgeting and wht the Road map?
5.sales,revenue Planning Process(PCM)?
6.How define the IFRS strategy in Financial Business?
What is the BPF ,When to be Use? is more effective the Work Status?
7.where execute the process of sales planning?
8.why do u need inter company elim ? what kind of parameter to used?
9 when inter company elimnation how investment to be raise different Vendors(Companies,Pub,Prt,Inc)
10.what is Reconciliation Account Tran formation?
11. when to be use BADI And how it is Best to run the R/3?
12.What kind of GAAP Analysis will Work ,when Barrier moving accross the Regions?
13.if error is : Config Sql ,what is the error when it is invoke?
14.What is Sarbanes-Oxley product help teh BPC?
15. what is CAPEx ?,
16.What kind of Optimization is More Effective the generating report from SAP BPC?
17.why do u need properties does have BPC,where will define ,why need? Direct versus Indirect Subsidiaries and the impact on the method of consolidation BPC?
19. Can you Explain the different types of Consolidated Reports
A) Trail Balance vs Balance Sheet $ Income Statement
B)Important Sections of a Balance Sheet
C)Important Sections of a Income Statement
20. Difference between Balance Sheet and Income Statement Eliminations?
21.When a dividend should be eliminated &How a dividend is booked?
22.What parts of a finance organization utilizes financial consolidations?
23.Relationships/Ownership/Groups/Consolidation Methodology ?
24.Why do u need Process chains and how do break when we need adhoc report in sales/revenue planning?
25.) Doing a full process, system goes through 16 steps. The first 15 run fine. Step 16 called Result shows done in 00:00:00 and fails. Only shows a red bullet with a white X and the word fail. There is no error message to tell me what is failing so I have no idea why the step is failing. Suggestions?

26) On the Print and Option sheet of dimension members, how are these populated? When I process the dimension, no changes are made to these sheets.
27). SAP BPC Issue MS version problem.
In BPC, In AppSet( AppShel) i have 3 applications.
1) Finance 2)Rate which are in built samples in BPC.
3rd is "MyApplication" created by me.

Now my problem is: From BPC-Excel in Session Information:
i clicked on C.V :"Application not Set" link. and a window appeared asking to selecta application from dropdown. But is not displaying only "Finance" and "rate" sample applications but not "MyApplication" which is created by me.

How to resolve the issue?

28) All my non-prod systems (ECC6, BI, SolMan) are running on a VMWare host without any problems. Windows 2003 Server, MS SQL2005 Enterprise have issue not connecting the DB? How to solve?
29) how can config the SAP BPC report Adobe Format ?
30)What is the configuration of th physical server on which VMs run In BPC ?
31)How many VMs with which configuration ?
32)Where is the Data stored. Is it in local disk or SAN ?
33)How many NIC cards are there and how they are configured for the VMs?
34)How are the database servers configured for this VMs IN sap bpc ms version ?
35)What is difference Between the BPC 7.0 TO 7.5?
36)What is the Manufacturer Consolidation,How to maintain the Profit in the Organisation ?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

BPC MS EXCEL GOAL SEEK Function Examples

BPC MS EXCEL GOAL SEEK Function Examples

Fiancé Modeling by using GOAL SEEK Functions
Our considerable experience ranges from operational models developed for internal use to financial models for transaction structuring and bank negotiations.
• Operational modelling
• Budgeting, planning and forecasting
• Margin analysis
• Inventory management
• Cash management and reporting
• Performance analysis
• Cost and pricing analysis
• Capital structure optimisation
• Working capital
• Capital investments
• Feasibility modelling
• Acquisition analysis
• Project finance models
• PPP tender models
• process modelling (chemical & mining)
• Information management systems
• Debt optimisation models
• JV partnership models
• Contract modelling

Goal seek functions Works
• From the Excel menu bar, click on Tools
• From the drop down menu, click on Goal Seek
• A dialogue box pops up like the one below:

The dialogue box needs a little explaining. "Set cell" is the answer you're looking for, this is the Goal. Set cell needs a formula or function to work with. Our formula is in cell B3, so if your "Set cell" text box does not say B3, click inside it and type B3.
"To Value" is the actual answer you're looking for. With "Set cell", you're just telling Excel where the formula is. With "To Value" you have to tell Excel what answer you're looking for. We wanted an answer of 56 for our formula. So click inside the "To Value" text box and type 56.
"By Changing Cell" is the missing bit. This is the part of the formula that needs to change in order to get the answer you want. In our formula we have an 8 and a 6. Clearly, the 6 is the number that has to go. So the cell that needs to change is B2. So go ahead and enter B2 in the "By Changing Cell" text box. Your dialogue box should now look like this:

Click OK when your dialogue box looks like the one above. Excel will then Set the cell B3 to the Value of 56, and change the figure in cell B2. You'll also get a dialogue box like the one below:

Click OK on the dialogue box. Your new spreadsheet will look like this one:

So Goal Seek has given us the answer we wanted: it is 7 that when times by 8 equals 56.

Increase your profits with Goal Seek
To give you a more practical example of what Goal Seek does, consider this problem. You have a business that generates 25 thousand pounds worth of profit. You currently sell 1000 items at 25 pounds each. You want to increase your profit to 35 thousand pounds. Assume that you're still going to sell 1000 items. By how much does the price of each item have to increase by in order to generate the new profit total?
We'll work it out together using Goal Seek. And then you can have a try yourself with an exercise. First, here's a new spreadsheet for you to download:
When you open the spreadsheet, you'll notice that the Current Sales Figures and the Future Sales Figures are exactly the same. The formula in Cells B4 and E4 are = B2 * B3 and = E2 * E3
We can use Goal Seek to solve our problem. What we want to know is, What should be the new Price Per Item in order to generate Profits of 35 thousand?
• So, from the Excel menu bar, click on Tools
• From the drop-down menu, click Goal Seek
• The Goal Seek dialogue box appears

This time, our formula is in cell E4. So we want to Set the cell to the cell that has our formula. So type E4 into the "Set cell" text box.
The "To Value" text box will hold our new Profits. The Goal we are aiming for is 35 thousand. So type in 35000 in the "To value" text box.
The cell we want to change is the Price Per item figure. So in the "By changing cell" text box, type in E3.
Click OK when you're done. Excel will give you this dialogue box:

The dialogue box is telling you that Goal Seek has found a solution. Click OK. Your spreadsheet will already have changed. The new Future Sales Figures will be displayed. Your spreadsheet should look something like the one below:

Goal Seek has given us the answer of 35 pounds. So the cost of each item has to increase by 10 pounds if we want a profit of 35 thousand.

Example 2

Excel's Goal Seek feature allows you to alter the data used in a formula in order to find out what the results will be.
The different results can then be compared to find out which one best suits your requirements.

Example Using Excel's Goal Seek feature:
For help with this example, see the image above.
• This example first uses the PMT Function to calculate the monthly payments for a loan.
• It then uses Goal Seek to lower the monthly payment by altering the loan period.
1. Enter the following data into the cells indicated:
Cell - Data

D1 - Loan Repayment
D2 - Rate:
D3 - # of Payments:
D4 - Principal:
D5 - Payment:
1. E2 - 6%
E3 - 60
E4 - $225,000
1. Click on cell E5 and type the following formula:

= pmt ( e2 / 12 , e3 , -e4 )

and press the ENTER key on the keyboard
2. The value $4,349.88 should appear in cell E5. This is the current monthly payment for the loan.
Altering the monthly payment using Goal Seek
1. Click on the Data tab.
2. Choose What-If Analysis from the ribbon to open the drop down list.
3. Click on Goal Seek... in the list to bring up the Goal Seek dialog box.
4. In the dialog box, click on the Set cell: line.
5. Click on cell E5 in the spreadsheet since we are interested in altering the monthly payments for this loan.
6. In the dialog box, click on the T0 value: line.
7. Type 3000 since we would like to lower the monthly payment to $3000.00.
8. In the dialog box, click on the By changing cell: line.
9. Click on cell E3 in the spreadsheet since we want to change the monthly payment by altering the total number of payments to be made.
10. Click OK.
11. At this point, Goal Seek should begin searching for a solution. If it finds one, the Goal Seek dialog box will inform you that a solution has been found.
12. In this case, the solution is to change the number of payments in cell E3 to 95.25.
13. To accept this solution, click OK in the Goal Seek dialog box and Goal Seek will alter the data in cell E3.
14. To find a different solution, click Cancel in the Goal Seek dialog box. Goal Seek returns the value in cell E3 to 60. You are now ready to run Goal Seek again.