SAP BPC Production Support issues:
1. How to transfer the data SAP BPC 5.1 TO SAP BPC 7.5 ?
Ans) Use Data manager package to expoert data in ASCII format (flatfiles) and then apply conversion/transformation then import flatfile into bpc 7.5 using data manager package to using flat file.
Data Manager Package
SAP BPC provides standard out of the box functionality to execute common tasks
Required for planning and consolidation such as currency translation, intercompany
Elimination and so on. These tasks are executed via a data manager package.
Transformation File Definition
• HEADER: Indicates if the data file has a header (Required)
• AMOUNTDECIMALPOINT: Allows to enter non-period decimal point
• SKIP: No. of lines to skip at the top (Required)
• SKIPIF: Skips a line in the data file if it begins with a given text string required)
• VALIDATERECORDS: Validates mapping and maps data (Required)
• CREDITPOSITIVE: Reverses sign in case of LEQ and INC accounts (Required)
• MAXREJECTCOUNT: If validating records, the no. of rejected records at which
Stop processing (empty string means 500, some postive number, 0r -1) (Required)
• ROUNDAMOUNT: Indicates amount of decimal values to round
2) When I use BPF , I want insert a PACKAGE LINK using a Task but when I select it I can't modify APPLICATION anc CURRENT VIEW and I can't choose a specific PACKAGE LINK.?
Ans) When you add a step for executing a package link, this package link will be executed for the controlling application. So, you are not able to change the application. Moreover, a package link doesnt work for a particular Current View. It works based on the members prompted during the execution. So, you are not able to change the Current View.
How I can choose a specific PACKAGE LINK like a PACKAGE?
Ans) When assign the action of run a package link, running this step will open the window with the list of all the package links. In the BPF, you cannot specify the name of the link.
The system offers to save the file to:
3) BPC for NW 7.5 SP4 system. When trying to import data from .txt files via the data manager process Steps.
Ans) 1) Login to BPC for Netweaver website
2) Go into the excel portion
3) log into the applicationset
4) click on edata at the top of the screen
5) select upload data file
6) enter source and target locations. the file is a .txt file (40KB in
7) click OK to start the upload
4) Account dimension, which member list contains just "Price”. When I built an input schedule, enter prices in some currency, the total year value list the sum of the values of months. But I need an average value. How can I organise it?
SAP BPC Product does have different types of application in reporting by mean is it reporting application built or non reporting type.
Next, think is it to build planning wise or consolidation (Legal/Consolidation).
To store the supporting data required for planning and the rate type application. “Write dimension formula in the time dimension for the account price."
Syntax of formula.
IIF (ACCOUNT.Currentmember = "PRICE", ((2010.JAN + 2010.FEB + 2010.MAR) / 3), (2010.JAN + 2010.FEB + 2010.MAR))
The above is for 2010.Q1. Similarly, to maintain formulas for the other parent members also.
After that need displaying average at parent members, either you can write dimension formula in the time dimension for the account price. Otherwise, you can create a custom price.
5) SAP BPC 7.5. MS cannot open databse "apShell"(" OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error)
• Open up SQL Management Studio
• Go to Security > Logins > NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
• Right click > Properties
• In the User Mapping section tick ApShell
• In the bottom section of the screen, tick db_datareader.
The difference between Dummy Profit Center and Default Profit Center?
They basically do the same thing, which is automatically assigning a profit center to an item when none currently exists. However, the dummy profit center is populated automatically by the system, while the default profit center is manually assigned to a configuration table for the relevant GL accounts.
Note that the dummy profit center no longer needed for the new GL, while the default profit center is still used, and can be assigned using transaction FAGL3KEH.
Upload mass journal entries,
According my knowledge I know that there are two options:
1. Third-party solutions which cost extra
2. Custom programs which could have bugs.
Is there any other option/s you are aware of to meet this requirement?
Two standard tools that you can use are as follows:
(1) LSMW
(2) CATT
Both involve setting up the fields that you want to upload and entering them into a predefined template. Personally, I prefer using LSMW because I find it more user-friendly and flexible. CATTs are also good, but I believe they are no longer accessible with the newer versions of SAP (from ECC 6.0). Instead, you need to use eCATT.
Can you share any data preparation and/or management techniques to ensure a smooth conversion to the material ledger?
To consider upon conversion to material ledger are
- Ensure that all plants in the company code are activated for material ledger;
- Activate material ledger at the start of the period (to ensure that all inventory movements for the period are captured);
- Ensure that no inventory transactions are made during production startup
- All FI currencies should be enabled in material ledger.
Thanks for your Information. I am looking for SAP BPC 10 Online Training so can you please suggest me a good training company.