Monday, October 15, 2012

SAP BW/BPC Transactions

SAP BW/BPC Transactions :-

Transaction Code

Validation Maintenance (Old version - currently implemented using CONTROLS in BPC
BPC Parameters
BPC AppSet Parameters
Model Parameters
BPC Configuration
Transports - Create Request
P&C: Backup & Restore Tool
UJE Transaction Data Check
File Service
Script Logic Tester
auto update msp file upload
Query Runtime Parameters
Writeback Runtime Parameters
Performance Statistics Report
Unit Test Data Maintain

Thursday, July 26, 2012

SAP BPC Distribution and Collection:

SAP BPC Distribution and Collection:

1.Excel templates can be distributed to Microsoft office Outlook e-mail address.
2. Excel templates can be distributed to network folders.
3.Distribute data will also collect data from offline templates send it to the database.

* Distribute-Start the distribution wizard
* collect-Start the collection Wizard
*New/Open Template -Create new 
*Save /Save as -Save or copy template
*Validate -Validate the reference workbook
*Change Connection- use this option to select a different connection.

To Distribute the workbooks, the Distribution Wizard is used ,we can select the output type and folder location.

After distribution ,the log is available for review. 

Distribution--->Collect the EPM- ---Collection Wizard  will open...

Either the outlook or local folder is select and then the folder is selected .

E -Mail options

If you want send the workbooks by email ,you must enter the required information about the SMTP server use to send the e-mails in EPM tab options-->User options.

*SMTP Server Address
*Port number 
* Select the authentication type.
   - Anonymous
   -Basic or NTML
*Enable SSL (if needed)


1.Edit Book and Distribution Templates-This permits a user maintain the templates.
2.Use Offline Distribution- This permits a user to execute the Distribution wizard .
3. Use Offline Collection -This permits a user to execute the collection Wizard

Saturday, July 7, 2012

SAP EPM / BPC 10.0 Consolidation (User Authorization)

SAP BPC 10.0 Consolidation (User  Authorization)

1.                   BPC User Creation

1.1                User Roles in BW as Template

BW Roles are mandatory for BPC User and the below roles are required to access the BPC Web and BPC for excel.

This user has name “UTEMP” in the BPC Development System copy this user to the business user before assigning any BPC access to the User.

1.2               BPC Security Setup

BPC Security is made up of the below components that are needed to be configured for User Access.

BPC Home Page -> Planning and ConsolidationAdministration -> Security:

Consolidation User – End User of Entity
Consol Manager – End User of Sub Group / Group
Consol Reporting – Reporting User
ADMIN – Full Access

Task Profile:
Based on the grouping of Users Team, task profile has been created for the Users :
·               Consolidation User – End User of Entity
·               Consol Manager – End User of Sub Group / Group
·               Consol Reporting – Reporting User
·               Corporate User – Corporate Finanace User group
·               Security Admin – Business User SAP support
·               Full TaskProfile – system default
·               PrimaryAdmin – system default
·               SecondaryAdmin – system default
        SystemAdmin – system

Data Access Profile:
For each Sub Group / Group Data Access profile would be created at the CONSOSCOPE  level and ENTITY level.
Data Access Profile details.
This specifies the list of entity that this profile can access.

Data Access Profile details.
This specifies the list of entity that this profile can access.

1.                   Maintain Users in BPC

2.1                Assign User to Team / Task Profile

Users -> Add (After Creating BW User)

List of Users is displayed and we select the user to add:

Click Next.

Assign Team for user

Click Next to finish creating user:

2.2                Assign User to Data Access Profile

Users -> Click on User  created -> Tab Data Access Profile -> Select the Group / Sub Group that user has to be assigned to

Then Run on console by using user level  ,where creation will be success or not..!If we will follow on above step it will Success on User authorization .

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SAP Business Objects Portfolio with SAP Application(EPM10.0)

SAP Business Objects Portfolio with SAP Application

EPM 10 is the result of multiple acquisitions BusinessObjects made in the financial management space before the merger with SAP: 
  • SAP Business Objects Strategy Management (formerly of Pilot Software)
  • SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation (formerly Business Planning and Consolidation by OutlookSoft)
  • SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management (formerly of ALG Software)
  • SAP BusinessObjects Intercompany and SAP BusinessObjects Financial Consolidation(formerly of Cartesis).
  • EPM 10 include SAP BusinessObjects Financial Information Management (FIM), which bridges information from SAP and non-SAP sources and EPM applications.
    Other nonfinancial, operational applications in EPM 10 include SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management (formerly Spend Analytics) and SAP BusinessObjects Supply Chain Performance Management.

The common BI capability that came with the Pilot Application Server (PAS) layer is now part of a broader set of EPM 10 applications (and some Governance, Risk and Compliance [GRC] 10 applications, such as SAP BusinessObjects Risk Management and SAP BusinessObjects Sustainability Performance Management). This means that objects and information stored and aggregated in, for example, SAP BusinessObjects Strategy Management, can be shared more widely with SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation, SAP BusinessObjects Risk Management and other financial and operational EPM 10 solutions.

EPM 10 comes with starter kits for various initiatives (such as IFRS, liquidity and capital expenditures planning), but also for specific industries, such as Banking/SCM/Insurance/Investments.

The Excel Interface of the EPM add in can be used to access data from multiple sources such as Planning and Consolidation and Profitability Cost Management (PCM).

EPM data Retrieval:-

1. We can create the Reports.
2. Analyze the Data( Sales,Profit,Margin..etc).
3.Dynamic formatting.
4. Calculation and charts (Graphical representations).
5.Print and Share( Information Broadcasting ).

Data Manager is used to import data and run planning functions such as copy,delete,and move.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

SAP BPC 10.0

BPC 10.0 Architecture:- 

SAP BPC 10.0 will help us to deliver a more user friendly seamless and responsive user experience, driving higher user adoption - this  is why I see significant business benefit in implementing it.

Key Terms
Terms                                             Definition                                           
Master data such as companies and accounts
Transaction data such as expense values and exchange rate
Contains dimensions and models
SAP Business information warehouse
Related fields such as currency
Dimension Members
EXAM: Company code
Base Level Members
Members with no children

SAP BPC 10.0
Data Source Dimension Type
Audit Trail Dimension Type
Group Dimension Type
Scope Dimension Type
Live Reports
Web Reports/Input Forms
Dynamic Hierarchy Editor
Ownership Manager

Current View
Member Access Profile
Data Access Profile

Monday, January 2, 2012

SAP BPC Interview Questions?


1 How Plan Functions in the SAP BPC,is it any Std Function available at NW . if THERE WHAT those?
2 How many types of Consolidations(Legal/Management)
3.Wht is the type of Dimensions is used statutory consolidation?
4.How you do Budgeting and wht the Road map?
5.sales,revenue Planning Process(PCM)?
6.How define the IFRS strategy in Financial Business?
What is the BPF ,When to be Use? is more effective the Work Status?
7.where execute the process of sales planning?
8.why do u need inter company elim ? what kind of parameter to used?
9 when inter company elimnation how investment to be raise different Vendors(Companies,Pub,Prt,Inc)
10.what is Reconciliation Account Tran formation?
11. when to be use BADI And how it is Best to run the R/3?
12.What kind of GAAP Analysis will Work ,when Barrier moving accross the Regions?
13.if error is : Config Sql ,what is the error when it is invoke?
14.What is Sarbanes-Oxley product help teh BPC?
15. what is CAPEx ?,
16.What kind of Optimization is More Effective the generating report from SAP BPC?
17.why do u need properties does have BPC,where will define ,why need? Direct versus Indirect Subsidiaries and the impact on the method of consolidation BPC?
19. Can you Explain the different types of Consolidated Reports
A) Trail Balance vs Balance Sheet $ Income Statement
B)Important Sections of a Balance Sheet
C)Important Sections of a Income Statement
20. Difference between Balance Sheet and Income Statement Eliminations?
21.When a dividend should be eliminated &How a dividend is booked?
22.What parts of a finance organization utilizes financial consolidations?
23.Relationships/Ownership/Groups/Consolidation Methodology ?
24.Why do u need Process chains and how do break when we need adhoc report in sales/revenue planning?
25.) Doing a full process, system goes through 16 steps. The first 15 run fine. Step 16 called Result shows done in 00:00:00 and fails. Only shows a red bullet with a white X and the word fail. There is no error message to tell me what is failing so I have no idea why the step is failing. Suggestions?

26) On the Print and Option sheet of dimension members, how are these populated? When I process the dimension, no changes are made to these sheets.
27). SAP BPC Issue MS version problem.
In BPC, In AppSet( AppShel) i have 3 applications.
1) Finance 2)Rate which are in built samples in BPC.
3rd is "MyApplication" created by me.

Now my problem is: From BPC-Excel in Session Information:
i clicked on C.V :"Application not Set" link. and a window appeared asking to selecta application from dropdown. But is not displaying only "Finance" and "rate" sample applications but not "MyApplication" which is created by me.

How to resolve the issue?

28) All my non-prod systems (ECC6, BI, SolMan) are running on a VMWare host without any problems. Windows 2003 Server, MS SQL2005 Enterprise have issue not connecting the DB? How to solve?

29) how can config the SAP BPC report Adobe Format ?

30)What is the configuration of th physical server on which VMs run In BPC ?
31)How many VMs with which configuration ?
32)Where is the Data stored. Is it in local disk or SAN ?
33)How many NIC cards are there and how they are configured for the VMs?
34)How are the database servers configured for this VMs IN sap bpc ms version ?
35)What is difference Between the BPC 7.0 TO 7.5?